понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.

How to Make Gravy

Here are two vital ways of making gravy from roast drippings, one using corn starch, the other using flour. In each prove, you start with the roast drippings. You may father much more drippings than you miss for the amount of gravy youindigence to make. You can follow this guideline - for each cup of gravy you would like to energetic, start with a tablespoon of drippings. So, if you insufficiency to make 2 cups of gravy, go all but 2 tablespoons of fat and drippings from the roasting pan (set aside for expected use). These instructions wishes be for the end result of 2 cups of gravy, but you can unquestionably divide or multiply tomodify for how much gravy you hankering to make.

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